If I may say so myself, I’m really quite skilled in the flapjack department. Not that it’s particularly tricky, but shh. Today’s miserable weather bought on extreme baking urges, so I decided to try out a new variation to appease my own gluttony. Here’s how you do it, kids…
1) Put on some good-quality music. (This step is not optional – the flapjack simply will not work without it.) Now, it’s time to pre-heat the oven to 160˚c.
2) Chop up 175g of unsalted butter and melt it in a pan on a low heat. Then sprinkle in 125g of Muscovado sugar until it’s all gooey, and smells a bit like heaven. Add two spoonfuls of golden syrup and one of honey, and try to resist licking the spoon just yet.
3) Weigh out 275g of the chunkiest rolled oats you can find – we’re definitely not talking Ready Brek here. Add these bad-boys to your syrupy mixture, and stir until it’s evenly coated.
4) Finely slice 100g of crystallized ginger and throw this into the mix. Put it all into a foil-lined tin, and you’re good to go.
5) Eagerly anticipate the arrival of your culinary extravaganza for 15 minutes. You could make a cup of tea, dance around the kitchen, or go and annoy a loved one - just keep one eye on the clock, because burnt flapjack ain’t so grand.
6) Once time’s up, seize it from the oven - not with bare hands! - and leave it to cool for an agonising amount of time (about 30 minutes).
7) Melt 50g of the chocolate of your choice (I suggest ridiculously dark Green & Blacks) and drizzle it over your flapjack. Leave it to set – sorry, I know you’re starving by now – for another 15 minutes or so.
8) Now, finally, you may eat it. For maximum enjoyment, it is to be consumed with a cup of Lady Grey.
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